Social and Emotional Health
Everyone at Head Start of Lane County works together (parents, staff and specialists) to improve the mental health of our children and families.
- Healthy young children can form trusting and secure relationships,
- can express and notice emotions appropriately,
- and can interact appropriately with others.
If a child needs help, the Family Service Staff or provider will find services. For instance:
- behavior support
- counseling
- skill building
- help in identifying emotions
We do a quick survey that helps decide if your child needs mental health services. Staff will do this within 45 days after starting school.
Your child may be observed by a mental health professional. He or she will offer ideas and help for the parents, teachers, and other staff. Parents must give written permission for this.
The early childhood education team also does classroom-wide observations and consultations. They may notice children with mental health needs, too. Then, teachers will also get help and training on how to address individual and classroom-wide mental health issues.
The early childhood education team can provide referrals to other agencies. These agencies have experience with the mental health needs of young children and their families.