Head Start of Lane County will maintain its funded enrollment level. When it has been determined that an enrollment opportunity for a child exists, no more than 30 calendar days will elapse before the opening is filled.
- When an enrollment opportunity for a child occurs in a Head Start, Early Head Start or Full Day classroom, regional staff, (typically the Regional Assistant), will track the information on the regional spreadsheet.
- The opening occurs after the last day of attendance for the child, or when Head Start staff determine that a child will no longer be able to attend.
- If an attendance plan of support has not resulted in regular attendance-the withdrawn date is NOT to be back dated. The withdrawn date will be when the staff and Regional Manager decide to open the space to another child.
- The child ID number (withdrawn, enrolled, or transfer in/out date along with the classroom location in which the event occurred) will be tracked immediately following the last day of attendance (or expected attendance) for the child on the regional spreadsheet.
- If Direct Service Team (DST) need access to the child’s record before or after the child is enrolled or withdrawn from a particular classroom access will be arranged through the IT or the Data Manager.
- The regional staff (typically the RA) will provide a monthly summary slot tracking report no later than the third of the month to the ERSEA Manager.
- The ERSEA Department will electronically provide information monthly to the Office of Head Start.
This policy complies with Head Start Performance Standard 45 CFR Section 1302.12 (j); 1302.15 (a); 1302.101 (a) (4); (b) (4)
It was approved by Policy Council on August 14, 2007. December 2014
Updated January 2010. November 2010. December 2014. February 2019.
© 2007-2019. Head Start of Lane County. All rights reserved.
REVIEWED: December 2020