

The purpose of the Policy Council is to provide a formal means of involving parents, agency, and community persons in decisions affecting the operation and management of the Head Start program. Policy Council is responsible for the direction of the agency’s Head Start and Early Head programs.


  1. At a minimum, the Policy Council is expected to:
    1. Assist the agency in the development of and give approval to Head Start grant applications.
    2. Assist agency in organizing activities for parents, communicating with present and past parents, encouraging active parent participation, recruiting volunteers, and mobilizing community resources.
    3. Serve as a link between HS Committee’s, Board of Director and public and private organizations.
    4. Establish and review Head Start policy and approve major programmatic changes.
    5. Review and approve Policy Council funds on an annual basis.
    6. Support efforts to recruit families to enroll by participating in local HS approved events and activities.

This policy complies with Head Start Performance Standard 1301.1; 1301.3(c) (1-2)
It was approved by Policy Council on September 9, 1997.
Updated October 25, 2002., April 2009. October 2017. December 2020
© Head Start of Lane County. All rights reserved.

REVIEWED: December 2020