

Parents/Caregivers are given opportunities to learn about the program structure, philosophy, expectations and opportunities within Head Start and Early Head Start


Orientations will occur in large groups at the beginning of each program year. Head Start will offer individual or small group orientations as families enroll throughout the program year. For Early Head Start, individual orientations with home based and combo models happen at the first home visit. 

(See Events & Parenting Education policy)


  1. For general event procedures see Events & Parenting Education policy.
  2. For large group and or individual orientation parents/caregivers will receive an explanation and or presentation of the following
    1. Importance of their child’s regular attendance 
    2. Child Abuse response support and reporting 
    3. Home Visits/Parent Teacher Conferences 
    4. Family Partnership and Engagement process (goal setting, information and referral, crisis assistance, etc.) 
    5. For dual language learners the benefits of bilingualism and biliteracy
    6. Parent leadership opportunities such as Policy Council (PC) 
      1. Brochure English  and Spanish
      2. PC job description English
    7. Opportunities to become employed by HSOLC (SEEKERS/Sene’)
    8. Program wide events such as Make Parenting a Pleasure, Financial Stability workshops, and Ready Rosie
    9. Curricula used and how to give input on curricula 
    10. Importance of male engagement 
    11. Family access to the site and ways to contact staff 
    12. Establish plans for two-way communication between staff and families to include phone calls, Remind, email, text, etc. 
  3. Parents/Caregivers will receive:
    1. A Program information guide 
    2. Parenting Now Community Resource guide
    3. Mental Health letter (see Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center Publications ) for versions in several languages.
  4. Parents/Caregivers will complete the following forms: 
    1. Parent Education and Information Survey (information will be used for parent event planning) 
    2. Volunteering – Ways You Can Help

Orientation Follow up

  1. Family Support Coordinator and or Family Support Interpreter will enter all completed orientation information into Child Plus. 
  2. Family Support Coordinator and or Family Support Interpreter will contact each parent/caregiver that expresses interest in Policy Council and or volunteering.  
    1. Representative names will be submitted to the Executive Administrative Assistant immediately following the elections results, which will be completed by mid October. 
    2. Parents who plan to volunteer frequently in the classroom will attend an orientation with the Volunteer Coordinator followed by a site level orientation. 

This policy complies with Head Start Performance Standards 45 CFR Section 1302.50, 1302.51, 1302.52, 1302.34 

It was approved by Policy Council on September 9, 1997. August 14, 2007, August 12, 2014. August 2019
Updated July 8, 2002. May 30, 2003. May 25, 2004. August 30, 2006.August 2007. August 2008. August 2012. July 2013. August 2013. July 2014. August 2019. June 2023

© 1995-2013. Head Start of Lane County. All rights reserved.

REVIEWED: June 2023