As part of the partnership process, Teacher and/or Family Support Coordinator (FSC) will provide information and/or referrals to all enrolled families in the family’s preferred language, or through interpretation if necessary. Follow up is required on all referrals or parent requested information to see if the information/resources provided met the expressed need(s) before they are considered complete.
- All families will have a Strength and Needs assessment (S & N) no later than 30 days of enrollment. All families will complete a Parent Education and Interest Survey at the parent group orientation/open house events. This information will help staff determine needs and interests which will be further addressed at home visits to develop family activity events.
- Information from the S & N and Parent Education and Interest Survey form will be entered in the ChildPlus FS domain by DST. These topics will be addressed by home visits, and Parent/Teacher conferences and through the provision of resources and referrals.
- Family activity events and other parent education opportunities will be used to provide information and resources as requested by using the regional report in ChildPlus for the parent education survey.
- In addition to items checked on the survey, ongoing requests for information and referral will also be documented within five (5) working days in the FS Domain I & R connected to the appropriate event. These topics will appear in each family’s record in the Family Service domain and serve as a discussion point for further follow up and referral by staff.
- Staff will utilize the ChildPlus to do lists and reports for follow up work with families.
- Follow up information is documented by updating actions in the FS domain. Following provision of resource/information and referrals, staff will contact families to determine outcome and parent satisfaction. Document information in ChildPlus/actions.
- Staff will follow up with the family to determine whether the kind, quality and timeliness of the services received through referrals met the families expectations and circumstances and document in the ChildPlus I & R/action
- The process is not complete until staff have completed a follow up contact with the family. Follow up may occur during a home visit, phone conversation, email or site contact and must be documented in ChildPlus.
This policy complies with Head Start Performance Standard 45 CFR 1304.40 (b)
Policy Council approved August 8, 2006
Updated June 2006. June 2008. May 2009. August 2012. July 2013. March 2020. May 2021
© 2021 Head Start of Lane County. All rights reserved.
REVIEWED: December 2020