Policy Council – No experience necessary, just a desire to learn more

When we come together as parents, staff, Policy Councils, and governing Boards we can ensure that our youngest children have a solid foundation for life.

Policy Council members are currently enrolled Head Start parents and interested community members who act as a link between those people making and carrying out decisions and the people Head Start serves. Policy Council members are elected by their peers (see Policy Council brochure –English / Spanish).

Policy Council must work in partnership with key management and the Board of Directors to develop, review and approve policies, strategic directions, criteria for the recruitment, selection and enrollment of children, funding applications, personnel and other business orientated activities that requires Policy Council’s approval. A governance flow chart helps link management, Board and Policy Council responsibilities together. The Head Start Program Governance Resource book is a good review. The HSOLC Policy Council handbook includes the bylaws. (English / Spanish)

Policy Council meets the second Tuesday of the month from 6-8pm at the Central Office, 221 B Street, or Grand St, 21 N. Grand St. The meeting dates are:

November 12, 2024

December 10, 2024

January 14, 2025

February 11, 2025

March 11, 2025

April 8, 2025

May 13, 2025

June 10, 2025

No July meeting

August 12, 2025

September 9, 2025

October 14, 2025

November 11, 2025 (completed one-year term)

Other Important Groups

• Eligibility, Recruitment, Selection, Enrollment, Attendance (ERSEA) Committee meets to discuss ways to inform and attract families to Head Start.

• Curriculum Committee meets to discuss classroom supplies, equipment and curriculum used.

• Health Services Advisory Committee is a group of professionals meeting to review data on the health of Lane County children.

• Hiring Panels want parents to be part of the interview and recommendation process to hire the most qualified person for the job.

Board of Directors

Head Start of Lane County Board of Directors represent community members with experience in fiscal management, legal and early childhood education, the Policy Council Vice Chair and past Head Start parents. Additional Board members reflect the communities served in Lane County.

This partnership helps to ensure that professional skills and business knowledge are balanced with the equally important voices of families who have children in the program. Volunteering many hours, the Board of Directors help guide and direct our program to benefit our community’s youngest citizens.

The Board of Directors meets the third Tuesday of the month from 6-8pm at the Head Start central office, 221 B Street, Springfield. The schedule is:

August 20, 2024

September 17, 2024

October 15, 2024

November 19, 2024

December 17, 2024

January 17, 2025

February 21, 2025

March 21, 2025

April 18, 2025

May 16, 2025

June 20, 2025

July – summer recess