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Head Start Forward: Mental Health and Staff Wellness


Join the third webinar in the five-part Head Start Forward series for guidance and support programs can use as they work toward full enrollment and fully in-person comprehensive services. Discover mental health and staff wellness resources and strategies. Keep the conversation going on social media using #HeadStartForward.

The Science Behind Social and Emotional Development


Our earliest relationships are at the heart of social and emotional development. They set the stage for learning throughout our life. In this webinar, learn about the science behind early social and emotional development in infants and toddlers. Explore research about how social and emotional development supports learning across the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework (ELOF) domains. Discover relationship-building strategies that support infants’ and toddlers’ social and emotional development. Join Beth Zack, Ph.D., from the National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning for the next webinar in the BabyTalks series.

Talking About Substance Use: COVID-19, Equity, and Stigma


This webinar will explore the impact of COVID-19 on substance use, with a focus on issues related to equity and stigma. Increase your understanding of substance use and learn evidence-based strategies to help reduce associated stigma. Discover how racism and other forms of discrimination increase substance use stigma. The webinar will also share how to support community advocacy and partnerships to address substance use.

Stress and Trauma Part 1: Pandemic-related Struggles and Lessons Learned


This webinar will provide a foundational understanding of trauma. It will also place the pandemic in perspective on a continuum of stress and trauma. Explore racial and economic disparities in the context of COVID-19. Discover how certain risk and protective factors contribute to differences in the pandemic’s effect on communities, families, and individuals.

Inclusion Series: Increased Opportunity and Learning for Children with Disabilities


In this Inclusion webinar, explore how to bring an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) or an Individualized Education Program (IEP) to life! Learn ways to make the IFSP or IEP a genuine part of a child’s everyday routines in their learning environment, home, or community. Learn how Disability Service Coordinators can support teachers, home visitors, and child care providers to create plans for achieving IFSP or IEP goals in collaboration with families and specialists.