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Teacher Training 3/7: New teachers will need to attend the 8:30-11:30 session on Restraint and Seclusion in the Grand Cafeteria.  Teachers who would like a refresher on this topic are welcome to attend.
ALL other teachers will need to complete a training of their choice on Quorum (training must be at least 1.5hrs).  If you are working on your Family Engagement Badge, this is a great opportunity to complete some of that work.
Looking for other Quroum suggestions?  Try one of these trainings…
  • Early Literacy: Print Awareness, Phonological Awareness, and Alphabet Knowledge
  • Trauma-Informed Classroom Badge
  • Celebrating Best Practices for Supporting Dual Language Learners

There will be a presentation from Eastern Oregon University for the first 20 minutes of the morning.

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