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8:00       Visit the Tables (OSEA, Human Resources, Cascade Health, Kaiser Insurance, Grand Canyon University, Finnegan the Dragon Curriculum

9:00                                Welcome                                                              Board of Directors, Mary Groesbeck, Prof. Dev. Manager

9:05                                 State & Federal Updates                                Charleen Strauch, Executive Director

                                       Program Updates                                              Leslie Cooper Parsons, HS/EHS Director

                                       Operations Updates                                         Patrick DeCelles, Operations Director

                                        Fiscal Updates                                                    Claire Versaw, Fiscal Director

9:50                                Break

10:00                             Keynote                                                                 Dr. Amy King

11:00                             Wellness Activity              Val Haynes, Registered Nurse (et al)

11:20                             Academic Achievements                               Mary Groesbeck, Prof. Dev. Manager

11:35                             Grand Canyon University                               Ryan Heritage (541) 731-2283, ryan.herriage@gcu.edu

11:40                             Longevity Awards                                              Sally Pope, Human Resources

12:00-1:00                   Lunch Provided                                                  Catering by Venue 252


1:00-2:30                      Breakout Training                                              Dr. Amy King

                                        for RM/ARMs, ECECs,

FSCs, FSIs and their managers

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