Thank You!
Costco Gives to Early Head Start Families
It started out with a simple request to Costco for diaper donations for our EHS families. That was in 2017.
If a EHS family is in need of diapers the EHS staff check the diaper inventory for size and deliver to the family Most of the donations are diapers and wipes which are a huge help to the families we serve as this can be a major expense. We occasionally receive other items such as formula or laundry detergent.
On average we provide a pack or 2 of diapers with wipes to 7 to 9 EHS families per month. We do encourage families to access diaper resources in the community, but sometimes there are barriers to accessing those and when that is the case having this in-house resource is a major help to the families we serve.

This tax season consider a donation to HSOLC. It helps us maintain facilities and create play spaces. Make your donation today by writing a check to Head Start of Lane County.