
After traveling from Oregon to Washington DC we were ready to attend the NHSA Winter Leadership Institute 2024.  This trip was exhilarating and showed how many people believe in the future of Head Start just like we believe in the future of our children and their families. 

Mycena Bell, ERSEA Manager (left)
Alisha Wilson, EHS Coach (middle)
Nikki Burian, Park Head Teacher (right)
Apply by February 2

The National Conference is in Portland, Oregon April 15-18th

If you are interested, submit your essay by Friday, February 2nd to Mary Groesbeck (

Submit an essay that includes the following:

  • Why would you like to go?
  • What session topics [if announced] would be of interest to you?
  • What do you hope to learn and bring back to benefit HSOLC?
  • How many years have you worked for HSOLC?
  • What conferences have you had the opportunity to attend in the past?

You are not able to apply if you have or are going to another conference this year. You must get permission from your direct supervisor.

Apply by February 2

Mycena says “Nikki and Alisha spoke eloquently about their experience as parents, and their growth as individuals. They both prove the positive life impacts that Head Start can create!” “Rebecca, Wyden’s staffer, took notes when they spoke – Nikki and Alisha’s stories have power! Both of them have so much to be proud”

“I am proud to call them my colleagues!”

Day 1 we learned about looking at our jobs with a glass is half full lens, engaging fathers in our programs, AI Intelligence, Partnering with community members to help solve homelessness and our CLASS observational toolkits that teachers get observed with.

We also learned about a Smithsonian partnership, creating a workforce in refugee communities, and partnering with community colleges to open Head Start Centers for their students.

Day 2 was spent working with other Head Start members to prepare for our meetings on Capitol Hill. We had 11 Head Start Representatives from Oregon and Over 600 Head Start Employees and Parents show up!

Day 3 was Capitol Hill day. We attended a breakfast where we got to hear from Senator Kaine from Virgina, Senator Marshall from Kansas, Senator Luján from New Mexico and Senator Murkowski
From Alaska. NHSA presented Senator Murkowski and Senator Kaine two awards for their dedication and their fight in advocating for Head Start.
We were also able to hear from Head Start Parents about their experiences with Head Start and we heard from the president of Lakeshore on why they partner with Head Start to bring quality classroom materials for our students and families.
After this we were off to meet with Rebecca who is Senator Wyden’s aide in charge of finance. We has a fantastic meeting with her. We shared our personal experiences with Head Start while showing why Head Start needs to continue to be funded.We are so grateful to Senator Wyden, Rebecca and the rest of Oregon’s team for all their work in advocating for Head Start.