
Meet the staff…Miriah Harrison Regional Manager for Full Day. 

Miriah oversees Village, Ross Lane, Howard and Florence classrooms. Full Day is for working families who need full day care. While Head Start services are free, the extended portion of care is covered by subsidy (Jobs, ERDC– employment related day care). If a parent does not have ERDC or in the jobs program and working, we charge $500 per month. Tell your friends!

Are you a parent? Were you or are you a HS/EHS parent?
I am not a Head Start parent but I am a single parent to one wonderful daughter who turns 3 this month. Adjusting to life as a mother, has been hugely rewarding so far.
Are you from Oregon?
Sort of, I am born in Los Angeles, California and moved up to Oregon when I was 3. I have lived in Oregon almost my entire life and call it home. As I am getting older, I have wanted to travel and see the world more.
What surprised you most about HS?
I was so surprised to learn about all the opportunities and support we provide here at Head Start. We offer comprehensive support for families.  Head Start really cares and wants families and students to be successful. We are more than just a preschool and we work hard to get children prepared for kindergarten to be successful.
What would you tell parents about HS/EHS you think they really need to know?
Head Start programs support children’s growth from birth to age 5 through services that support early learning and development, health, and family well-being. Head Start staff actively engage parents, recognizing family participation throughout the program as key to strong child outcomes.
I really like how Head Start treats the family as a whole and supports the whole family. You are the parent/ caregiver, you are your child’s biggest advocate. We are here to support you anyway we can, because we care. We are all here for the same reason which is to give our children a solid foundation for life.