
An integral part of who I am now is because I am a past parent, volunteer and employee of Head Start for many years.  During my time at HSOLC, I learned that being a lifelong learner was the path I needed to take to get to where I am today. I am on a self-motivated pursuit to continue my personal and professional growth and make the best life I can for my children and I. My children are now teenagers, one in high school and one is in 8th grade.

Currently, I am the Director of HR for a local family-owned business of 500+ employees. Dari Mart is a huge contributor to our community. I enjoy every aspect of my career and love being able to serve the community.

As for hobbies- I thoroughly enjoy reading and hiking with my dogs.  Overall, I enjoy just being outside as often as I can. I am a part of a reading club, a current Board member for CASA of Lane County and I also volunteer with the Young Marines of Lane County.