It takes many hands to make the HS Family Fishing Day a success for 18 years. The sign in shows 375 people attended – those are just the ones who signed in. The sun was out all day – we torn down in the thunder and lightening and drove away in the rain. Super heroes are always a hit- this year Superman came too! The fish might not have been biting alot but the first fish caught was also the first catch for the girl fishing – a 15 inch trout. Her brother also a caught a fish – 18 inch trout!
Thank you to the staff volunteers: Heidi Johnson, Patrick DeCelles, Shari Bray, Ruthie Bromley, Bonnie Middleton, Marika Sturman, Annie Soto, Karla Snell, Sara Tacker, Julie Ranieri, Katelyn Brach, Sean Baker, Robert Watkins, Rebecca Bruce, Chava Kronen. If I missed you please let me so I can give you the credit you deserve.