

All staff, consultants, contractors and volunteers are required at time of hire or placement or service to understand and abide by the codes of conduct asset forth in the Federal Performance Standards 45 CFR 1304.52 (h)(1-3) and Head Start of Lane County. The Code of Conduct and Professional Ethics policy will be reviewed annually.  The following standards specify that:

  1. I will respect and promote the unique identity of each individual and not stereotype on any basis including gender, race, ethnicity, culture, religion, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity or family composition.
  2. Maintaining confidentiality is important to the success of our mission, our reputation in the community and the privacy of clients and staff.
    1. Family files, personnel records, financial information, client information and other personally identifiable information about children, families and other staff members information is considered confidential.
    2. I am required to protect this information by safeguarding it when in use, filing it properly when not in use, and discussing it only with those who have a legitimate need to know. Also, staff, who are also parents, may not access confidential information (as defined above) other than what is required within their job responsibilities.   If approached by members of the news media, requesting information regarding Head Start of Lane County operations, I will refer requests to the Executive Director.
  3. I understand that no child shall be left alone or unsupervised while under my care. Supervised is interpreted to mean at least one paid or contracted staff person is present and within sight and sound of the children. I will ensure children are kept safe at all times
  4. I will use positive methods to support children’s well-being and prevent and address challenging behavior. I will ensure staff, consultants, contractors and volunteers do not engage in behaviors that maltreat or endanger the health or safety of children, including, at a minimum:
    1. Corporal punishment; or physically abusive behavior, defined as intentional use of physical force that results in, or has the potential to result in, physical injury (hitting, kicking, shaking, biting, pushing, restraining, force feeding or dragging).
    2. Sexually abusive behavior, defined as any completed or attempted sexual act, sexual contact or exploitation.
    3. Emotionally harmful or abusive behavior, defined as behaviors that harm a child’s selfworth or emotional wellbeing.
    4. Neglectful behavior, defined as the failure to meet a child’s basic physical and emotional needs including access to food, education, medical care, appropriate supervision by staff, and safe physical and emotional environments.
  5. Ensure staff, consultants, contractors, and volunteers report reasonably suspected or known incidents of child abuse and neglect, as defined by the Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) (42 US.C. 5101 note) and in compliance with Federal, State, local and Tribal laws.  
  6. I understand that no child may be removed from the presence of staff other than a child’s own parent or guardian or other authorized person.
  7. I will not solicit or accept gratuities, favors, or anything of significant value for personal use or enrichment from contractors/vendors or potential contractors/vendors who have been awarded contracts or provide services or materials for Head Start of Lane County.
  8. Unless authorized by the Executive Director or Designee to do so, I will not solicit or request donations (monetary, services and/or goods) for the agency or agency sponsored events.
  9. I understand that I must maintain professional boundaries with agency enrolled children/families at all times. Staff are expected to keep their personal lives separate from that of enrolled children/families and shall have only limited contact outside of work time and/or work related activities. Staff are to discuss with their supervisor any situations/relationships with enrolled children/families that are unclear or questionable.
  10. I understand this document shall be placed in my personnel file and that violations of these codes may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. There will be appropriate penalties for consultants, contractors, and volunteers who violate this standard of conduct.  

This policy complies with Head Start Performance Standard 1302.90(c)(1-2)(i-vi)
Policy Council Approval on April 24, 2001,updated and approved 08/14/2007. 11/2024
Board of Directors approved on November 17, 2009. 11/2024
Updated December 2016. 07/2024. 11/2024

Reviewed: December 2020. 07/2024. 10/2024