

Head Start of Lane County will produce an annual report to share information about the program with the public as well as funders.


  1. The Executive Director is responsible for outsourcing or assigning staff to produce the annual report.
  2. The annual report will be made available on the agency web site. A limited number of paper copies will be available to distribute.
  3. The annual report will be completed no later than March.

The annual report shall include, but not limited to:

  1. Total amount of public and private funds received and the amount from each source;
  2. Explanation of budgetary expenditures and proposed budget for the fiscal year;
  3. Total number of children and families served, average monthly enrollment (as a percentage of funded enrollment), and percentage of eligible children served.
  4. Results of the Secretary’s most recent review and the financial audit;
  5. Percentage of enrolled children who received medical and dental exams.
  6. Information about parent involvement activities;
  7. Agency’s efforts to prepare children for kindergarten, and
  8. Other information the Secretary requires.

Policy Council approved: May 2010
Board of Directors approved: May 2010

Updated January 2013

Reviewed: December 2020

This policy complies with Head Start Act Sec 644(2)