The best compliment Head Start receives is when a 60-year-old person remembers their Head Start experience. Why? They were four years old when they attended a Head Start class, and now, at 60 years of age, their fond memories bring warm smiles and chuckles of remembrance.
Telling our Head Start/Early Head Start stories is vital to our success. It is important that those who make the decisions and hold the money know that we are a 60-year federally funded program because our impact is lifelong.
Telling our stories shows that the path to success is available to all who take a chance and enroll in Head Start. It touches us deep down where empathy and compassion explode into acknowledgment that Head Start was the beginning, the beginning of believing in oneself and knowing that you can do impossible things because in Head Start nothing is impossible.
Read the following story from a fellow co-worker, and walk away swelled with the power in knowing that you too are having a similar impact on a family you are serving now and in the past, and remember to share your story with Sami at