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Fall All Staff
Venue 252
252 Lawrence St, Eugene, OR
Monday, August 21, 2023 @ 11:00 am

11:00 – 12:00 Visit the Tables Sami’s Swag Table, HR Photo Booth, OSEA Union Info, Kaiser Insurance, Willamette River Fest

Lunch Grilled BBQ Chicken (GF), Classic Herbed Mac & Cheese (V), Fresh Garden Salad (V, GF), Assorted Cookies (including GF)  –NO OUTSIDE FOOD OR DRINKS–

12:00 Find your seats
12:15 Welcome
12:25 Local, State, Federal Updates, Program Updates, Operations Updates
1:05 Sabrina’s Story Sabrina Ersland, Albina Head Start
1:50 – 2:00 Break
2:00 Family Services Menu of Opportunity
2:10 HSOLC Committees

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee

Trauma Informed Care Committee

Training Committee & Education Awards

ERSEA Committee

Curriculum Committee

Safety Committee

Disaster Preparedness Committee

Wellness Committee

2:55 CATCH Activity
3:15 Kaiser Insurance Information & Updates
3:25 Longevity Awards
4:00 Conclusion

The Seating Chart map is available here: https://hsolc-my.sharepoint.com/:i:/g/personal/melfering_hsolc_org/Ec57aHlv085MkEKHDi8XWcoBFaBikWc6gAQ1Vu3B2aZfsg?e=G6Qg38

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