
Al McGillivray has worked in a number of regions, currently in Region 2. Even though she shy’s away from the camera, once you meet her, you’ll never forget her.

Are you a parent? Were you or are you a HS/EHS parent?

I am not a parent. I’m lucky to have dear friends and family with children I get to love, and to have been present for some births as a doula. Years before I came to HSOLC, I helped a friend get her son enrolled in Head Start in central Illinois.

Are you from Oregon?

Born and raised in Eugene. I left after high school and was busy in different parts of the country – went to college in Portland, helped run a soup kitchen in Los Angeles, worked a smattering of service jobs in Illinois, caregiving and doula work in Tucson. For seven years of that time, I lived in an RV with my spouse and traveled some in the midwest and southwest. We crash landed outside of Florence in 2017 (wheels fell off our rig) and have since put down roots in Springfield. I’m happy to be back.

What surprised you most about HS?

How incredible my Family Support Coordinator team is! I think it’s easy to become rigid and impatient when doing case management – people can be hard, and navigating systems is a drag. But the Family Services team here is full of folks who not only care, but apply their values to their work. It’s inspiring to see the ways that my peers hold a fire in their bellies for the health and well-being of the families we support. I feel validated by my team to come to work wearing my heart on my sleeve, and we all have each other’s backs while we’re out there advocating for families in a rough and tumble world.

What would you tell parents about HS/EHS you think they really need to know?

By enrolling your child in Head Start, you’re setting them up with the social and educational experience of the classroom, but you’re also stationing yourself to be supported by a team of folks who already believe in you. We’re ready to tackle challenges with you and celebrate your wins.