
Almost a year ago these families asked for help in getting proper car seats for their growing children.

In October Amanda our Car Seat Technician was able to use a resource from Riverbend to get one family a car seat for the older sister who was a student last year but was unable to receive one for the youngest daughter.

In January Family Support Interpreter Cristina, learned that Parenting Now was back open and helping families after being closed for most of the pandemic and was able to help the one family get a car seat for the younger sister as well as helping another student to get a proper car seat for their children so they can be safe on the road.

The smile on these families faces tell us that even though it took us almost a year, we didn’t give up, they didn’t give up and we were able to help them, and it was totally worth the wait.  This work wouldn’t have been possible without the families being open to us, Cristina for interpreting and advocating for the families, Amanda for helping us to acquire one car seat and doing car seat checks and parenting now for providing two car seats for our families. Helping these families was really a team effort.