
Coming back from an extended break can be hard and exciting at the same time especially when there is change in a classroom. Like many adults who make new year resolutions to be healthy Park 1 PM kicked off the 2023 with discussing how to be healthy and take care of ourselves.

  • We talked about how to be calm and solve problems but also about exercising and getting our bodies to move. The students got to take turns leading the class in Yoga Poses.

  • We worked on brushing our teeth, washing our hands, and even covering our coughs and sneezes.

  • We also talked about what foods make our bodies strong, and what foods can make our body feel tired. We practiced making our own yogurt parfaits and serving ourselves! 

January brought a lot of changes to the classroom including family style meals with teachers modeling foods that children may be resistant or uncomfortable to try and teachers were able to choose whether or not they wanted to wear a mask in the classroom. Even with all these new and exciting things happening in the classroom the student’s favorite part was the pajama and dance party day that the children earned by reaching an 83% attendance rate for

January! January was a great month and Park 1 PM kicked off the 2023 year in style!

Nikki Burian
Head Teacher
Park 1 PM