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The Possibilities of Professional Friendships as Communities of Support for Early Childhood Educators

Early childhood educators’ professional growth journeys are sometimes isolating. Because working with young children is as much of an art as it is a science, teachers often find themselves working through trial and error with less-than-optimal amounts of opportunities for professional interaction. This paradigm-shifting webinar, by master pedagogist Diane Kashin, EdD, RECE, will provide the background and provocation to help you think through how to reimagine Communities of Practice so professional growth opportunities become inclusive and responsive Communities of Support.

Dr. Kashin will introduce the concept, practice, and protocols of Communities of Practice (CoP). The benefits will be discussed, and examples of potential CoPs shared. Then in contrast, the you will be introduced to a new form of professional learning for early childhood educators, Circles of Support (CoS) which is based on the theories of critical friendship. You will explore the research on critical friendships also referred to as professional friendships. Examining the concept will support early childhood educators to think deeply about practice. Every educator deserves a critical friend, a trusted person who “will ask provocative questions and offer helpful critiques” (Costa & Kallick, 1993). What would be the impact of supportive professional friendship on practice? Participants should come ready to consider the possibilities and think about supporting and growing peer friendships.

Join Dr. Kashin to:

  • Learn about the theory and practice of communities of practice and critical friendship.
  • Learn about the possibilities of critical friendships.
  • Learn about the possibilities of communities of practice that support voice and empowerment.

All sessions are 1.5 hours long and include a brief announcement from our sponsor.

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