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The following trainings are offered on Friday, April 15th.  Although it is a Teacher Training Day, these sessions are available to ANY interested staff member. Please note that some sessions will have a participant limit; for those sessions, preregistration is required.

Save your spot and SignUp here!


A Taste of Parent Café (Pre-Registration Required)

8:30-10:30; Heidi Johnson

Aren’t sure if the families that you work with would benefit from attending a Parent Café?  Come and see for yourself!  During the training we will go through a Parent Café from start to finish.  Participants will have the opportunity to connect with other HSOLC employees, practice active-listening, and enhance their relationship-building skills in a safe and supportive environment.


Promoting a Positive Body Image in Toddlers & Preschoolers  (Pre-Registration Required)

8:30-9:30; Caroline Weber

We will reflect on our own attitudes and practice the tools and resources (including CATCH!) available for parents at home and staff in the classroom to promote the development of positive body image and healthy behaviors for overall wellness.


Cooking Matters for Child Care Professionals: Creating Positive Mealtimes

10:00-12:00; Jillian Drewes, Family & Community Health Coordinator (SNAP-Ed), Lane County Extension Office

In this session, we will provide tips and tools for creating positive mealtime attitudes in your classroom and communicating with parents in order to sustain those healthful practices at home. Please come prepared to share from your experience!


Instructional Support & CLASS Pre-K (Pre-Registration Required)

10:00-12:00; Stephenie Kearney

Take a closer look at the Instructional Support Domain: Concept Development, Quality of Feedback, and Language Modeling.  Learn more about these important dimensions of the CLASS tool and what they look like in the classroom.  Session will use breakout room discussions so please do your best to be at a device with camera and microphone to participate in breakout groups.


Child Welfare and DHS: Q&A Session

10:30-12:00; Sarah Stankey, Screening Manager for DHS/Child Welfare

Join us for a discussion and Q&A session with Child Welfare Screening Manager Sarah Stankey.  Learn everything you wanted to know about child welfare, child abuse reporting,  working with DHS, and how to best support the the children and family throughout throughout the process.


Becoming Poverty Informed, Part 3: Mentorship

12:30-3:30; Karla Snell, Chava Kronen, Becca Bruce, Al McGillivray, and special guest Candice King

In Part 1, we learned about the history of poverty in the US along with statistics and types of poverty.  In Part 2, we explored the communication characteristics of print and oral culture. Join us for Part 3 as we explore the effective characteristics of mentors who are poverty informed.  Join our in house poverty coaches; Al McGillivray, Becca Bruce, Chava Kronen, and Karla Snell along with special guest Candice King, an independent contractor advocate, Community Organizer, Housing Navigator, and all around inspirational speaker. The attached activity (Mentoring In Practice), will have the best impact if you are able to take a look ahead of the session. Please have the activity with you when you join the workshop.  Hand-out: Mentoring in Practice Activity


Extended Day Tips & Tricks

12:30-2:30; Kerry Holmes

We will discuss some of the joys and challenges of teaching in the Extended Day model.  Will share tips and info from teams for strategies that keep things running smoothly.  Session will include time for participants to discuss, share, and ask questions of each other so please do your best to be at a device with camera and microphone to participate in breakout groups.


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