I started my HS journey by seeing my friend of 16 years (Jamie Lowe) starting SEEKERS. I asked her about it and she told me that she’s attending since she’s a parent. I mentioned how I wish I knew about it when my son was in HS. Luckily she put in a good word for me and I was able to do SEEKERS this year!
I found out about PC when Sami mentioned it while attending one of the SEEKERS classes. I thought that this sounded like something I wanted to be apart of. I honestly thought I would have more time in PC as I wasn’t supposed to start in the class until SEEKERS was over. But I was fortunate enough to have an opportunity to start sooner!
Although, I didn’t have the time on PC that I thought I would, I wouldn’t change a thing. Being in the classroom was my goal. So thank you again, for this experience.
Amber Jones
New Employee