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Staff Retention from Inception: Effective Interviews and Onboarding in ECE

Do you ever wonder why recently hired staff don’t hang around for long, or worse, behave in ways that make you question your own judgment in hiring them? Every childcare business should have interview and onboarding/orientation processes that are streamlined, consistent and empowering for new staff members. From the moment you first screen applicants through the moment you make the job offer, you will want to share the roadmap to them becoming a part of the team. Hiring and onboarding are best thought of as a process of ramping staff into the culture of your program– think of it as organizational socialization!

New employee onboarding is the process of integrating a new employee with your program and its culture, as well as getting a new hire the tools and information needed to become a productive member of the team. You’ll need to cover all the necessary steps to prepare for onboarding a new employee and guide them through the process of becoming part of a successful team.

In this inspiring webinar, you’ll learn the key components of an effective onboarding strategy that will help you exit the overwhelm of building a team that makes you proud. Join this inspiring webinar presented by experienced business owner and coach, Beth Canon to:

  • Nail down what you value in an employee and create a process to communicate the values and mission of your organization from the interview through the onboarding process.
  • Learn an exact framework for breaking apart the components of your unique onboarding system and laying it into a systematic and consistent process
  • Understand the importance of training instructional design, which means moving away from paper manuals and creating a more engaging and interactive onboarding experience

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