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Wonder of Wonders! Harnessing the Wonder of Play through Provocations

June 10, 2021 from 11:00-12:30pm

Let’s face it. Our educational system is built on the idea that children are empty vessels waiting to be filled. Think about any child you know. Are they empty? Of course not. From a very young age, children begin expressing their own unique views and ideas. Children are born with many strengths and abilities that continue to unfold and mature throughout their lives. When we respect and value a child’s individual interests in play, we are giving them the fundamental right to realize their unique potential. Children have the amazing capacity to construct their own learning.

In this webinar, Sally Haughey, the brainiac mind behind Fairy Dust Teaching, will walk you through how we can harness this undeniable power and wonder of play in Play Provocations. What is a play provocation and how can we support and expand the hidden potential of children’s play?

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